Sunday, October 2, 2011

Our weekend

Just thought I would share some pics from my phone from the last week....

First of all...check out this guy.

I just want to squeal, he is so cute! It's my nephew, Miller, and his mom finally got a smile on camera for all to see. Preciousness! (I may, or may not have just made up a new word).

Now, take a look at this other precious's my other nephew Jake....I mean, could you just die from all of this cuteness?????

Today, after church we went to lunch with Uncle Tim, Aunt Nat and CJ. We looked up and Jackson was standing on this stool and he said, "Look Mom! I'm a statue!" This was also after he announced that he will be going as Justin Bieber for Halloween and he would like for his dad to be Usher and for me to be Justin Bieber's mom.

We stopped by a little flower market yesterday and picked up some mums for our front porch. Jackson picked out this pumpkin and has been holding it and talking to it like it's his little baby. He checks on it daily to make sure it is ok and I even caught him watering it with a cup of water this afternoon. He said he thought the pumpkin was thirsty.

And that leads us to this next picture....Jackson's Nana (Renzi's mom) got him these gel stickers for the window to decorate for Halloween. Clearly, Jackson thought that sticking them to his body was a better idea.

And look at this precious pic. We were reading him a bedtime story and we looked over and my sweet babe snoozing his pajamas that are too small. Sigh. These were too big for him just a few months ago. He is growing so much and so fast lately.

These next few pics are from Jackson's first soccer game a few weekends ago. He loves it so much and his sweet buddies have all improved so much from last year. Look at Jax with his thumbs up. He does this constantly throughout the game. Love his team spirit!

Jax and a few of his teammates....they look so big!

GOAL! Actually, I can't remember what happened in this pic, but it sounded good!

And here is the team minus one player. Love that these boys are such good friends!

We have had a pretty awesome weekend this weekend. Engagement Dinner Party for a dear friend Friday night. Soccer game, breakfast at Jimmy's Egg and relaxing all Saturday, we made Tacos and played Junior Monopoly as a family Saturday night and all went to bed early. Church and lunch with friends today, followed by planting our mums and flowers and a big nap for Jackson and me! I love all of this family time.

Here's to a great week for you and yours!

-Lee Anne

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